12 comments on “Cyrelle Nude in the Lost Lagoon!”

  1. Joe says:

    Reminds me of Stacy Sanches (PMOY 96) tits. A little bit bigger than Stacy, but the look is the same.

  2. BeerMan says:


  3. mikeroyne says:

    stunning as fuck, but of course those tatts are fucking garbage

    photodromm never misses

    1. zombie says:

      If only you would miss a comment about how much you hate tattoos every once in awhile.

      Show us on the doll where the tattooed lady didn’t touch you.

      1. Snidely Whiplash says:

        Ya gotta admit, that Clockwork Orange one on her hip is just dumb. And I’m a Kubrick fan.

      2. mikeroyne says:

        nope. tatts are always shit & must never be tolerated
        negative reinforcement is a great learning tool

        1. Iron Balls McGinty says:

          Always shit and must NEVER be tolerated, but yet the tremendously oversized ying/yang tramp stamp that your self proclaimed greatest of all time porn goddess Ava Addams has is O.K. in your tiny brain and never gets mentioned. More proof that you’re a full of shit asshole.

          1. mikeroyne says:

            you take very thorough notes minion. you may end your shift in the mines 30 -no- 15 minutes early
            you continue to prove that i wholly own you.

            tatts are stupid/declasse & no one is impressed that you paid someone else to draw (tacky)pictures on your body

        2. Iron Balls McGinty says:

          Blow me, jagoff. You’re a fucking moron, as you proved AGAIN. Dance for ME, ASSWIPE!

          1. mikeroyne says:

            hmmm, a very well reasoned & nuanced retort

          2. Iron Balls McGinty says:

            As opposed to your overly redundant bullshit. Lets have some more, so you can show ’em who the REAL minion is. Hah! Owned and played AGAIN. So sad.

  4. CygnusX1 says:

    a clockwork orange tattoo… jesus christ.

    just when you think you’ve seen everything another dumb bitch comes along and lowers the bar yet again.

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