COVID Copulation: How Online Adult Sex Toys Retailers Are Saving Sanity and Relationships

COVID-19 cases aren’t the only thing rising, as sales of adult sex toys soar worldwide.

In January of 2020, the world stood, nearly paralyzed with fear over a burgeoning epidemic that was soon to sweep up the entire world in its lethal frenzy. People became sick, economies crashed, and loved ones were separated. In order to keep the virus in check, governments globally began to take a stand, instituting strict rules regarding just how close we could get to one another.

“We think this came as a huge shock to many. Especially those newer couples that had finally found a rhythm, but weren’t living together. Then we began to see the toll it was taking on longer term relationships. In essence, the disease itself and the relations to it taken by our respective governments put most romantic relationships in a tailspin.” Say the internet retailer of adult sex toys, The Pleasure Playhouse. “This put so many in a position that was completely new for them. Socially, romantically, financially. Stressors continued to build and people needed an outlet.”

For some, that outlet would come in the form of what many of us had already taken a shine to: our sex toy stash.

COVID Keeping Us Apart, Adult Sex Toys Keeping Us Connected

As the pandemic continues to rage on in countries all over the world, governments and citizens alike continue to go back and forth between self-isolation protocols. Where staying at home and social distancing can grate on social relationships, it can also spell disaster for those closer to the heart- and the genitals. Sex has all been stricken from the record if you don’t live with your partner. Making it extremely difficult for those dating, living separately, or singles to scratch that necessary itch.

Moreover, with increased household pressures, fewer moments to yourself, and most of the world working from home- strain has been put on many marriages and co-habitations couples. Few are familiar with the no-boundaries living that COVID has brought us. Having little space or time to yourself, relationships have been pushed to a straining point. As lines between work and home, family and intimacy, and children and adults blur into near non-existence, many long-term couples are finding it hard to maintain their usual rhythm.

Sex toy sales have surged in most countries following COVID lockdown procedures. Whether it has become the best way to date while keeping a safe distance, or just a means of spicing up a suddenly banal home life, the little pleasure gadgets have made lockdown much more bearable for many.

Adult Sex Toys Save the LDR?

Sex toys have long been a familiar companion of the long-distance relationship. Helping to keep couples feel connected even during extended periods apart. The sex toy industry itself has been tapping into this market for years, constantly innovating existing technology to bring us closer together, even when extreme distance may dictate otherwise.

App controlled toys, and even dark web hacked gadgets- from vibrators, to male masturbators, and even butt plugs- are making a huge impact amongst couples who have been separated by the pandemic. These types of internet connected toys allow users to program the pleasing motions of the toys, allowing one partner to control the others’ experience. Making the age-old love story of cybersex that much more intimate.

Luckily, many of these products existed prior to COVID-19 shuttering our doors and closing our legs to anyone outside of partners we live with. These products are now being snapped up, even by those who 7 months ago may not have happily spent the money on toy’s often hearty price tags. Especially as many relationships become LDR’s purely out of necessity, not choice.

Adult Sex Toys Are Not Just for Singles

The industry for adult sex toys has long been aimed primarily at singles, but now it seems everyone has gotten the bug for the buzz. Countries like Spain, Italy, France and Canada have seen huge upticks in sales, which suggests that couples are now more interested in sex toy tech.

“We think this is largely because for many couples, working from home and spending previously unseen amounts of time with their significant others has given a feeling of stagnation.” Say the sex experts at The Pleasure Playhouse. “Which is understandable, as some couples have now been self-isolating and social distances from other groups for upwards of 9 months. It can make some things feel a bit ho-hum. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.” For many couples it’s offering a new paradigm of communication and exploration that hasn’t been seen before, which despite its oppressive overtones, can be quite exciting.

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