Fuck for Forest is a group who use sex as an awareness tool for enviromental issues. I remember a video a few years back where two of them were having sex on stage during a concert. Agree with them or not, they will definitely grab your attention with this new video where two of them stroll into a church in Oslo and start to have sex right by the altar!
[hana-flv-player video=”http://www.fuckforforest.com/previews/Movies/FreeChurch/111/1.flv”width=”520″
autoload=”true” autoplay=”false”
loop=”false” autorewind=”true”
I was expecting worse.
That’s VERY offensive.
A radio show got fired from NY radio when two of their contestants went to a church and had sex. Too bad it wasn’t video taped.
I’m not religious, but that’s just wrong. It’s not even funny – just sad.
im glad theres no kids. stupid morons, they should be arrested
That’s just big nonsense!! First of all you’re completely disrespectful and then you’re just cowards because having intercourse in a church is a thing but go and do that in a mosque and then you will earn my respect even if you’ll be dead meat!