The 2011 NYC Comic Con happened! Just like with all the other comic cons plenty of people showed up in costume and a small percentage of those people were hot girls! Here are some of them.
I like them all but the vampire in pic #3, Scorpion(?) in pic #4, Fantasy babe in pic #7 and the Asian babe in pic #8 all win!
Adult dating with a sex gurantee: Ashley Madison
#4 is supposed to be Silk Spectre II from Watchmen. But #8 (Psylocke) rules them all!!
Ah That Vampy… There’s always somethin nice about a woman who’s beautiful on the eyes and really nice in person. Totally a walk up and say hi type of girl, who won’t look at you crazy for admiring her work. I should know, she’s a personal friend of mine. Check out her blog for other costumes she’s had.
Her Morrigan (From Darkstalkers) is her claim to fame IMO.
I’ll take #7
Not bad, but I prefer the Phoenix Suns Gorilla.