Classic Playmate – Alana Soares

The gorgeous Alana Soares was is a California babe and was Playboy’s Playmate of the Month in March 1983. She is a wild mix of Hawaiian, Japanese, Spanish and Irish and interestingly she is the older sister of Leilani Soares who also got naked for Playboy. Some great genes in that family obviously! She appeared in Playboy until the mid 90’s when she retired.

Centerfolds and Celebs: Playboy’s Cyber Club

Busty Playmate Alana SoaresBusty Playmate Alana SoaresBusty Playmate Alana SoaresBusty Playmate Alana SoaresBusty Playmate Alana SoaresBusty Playmate Alana SoaresBusty Playmate Alana SoaresBusty Playmate Alana SoaresBusty Playmate Alana SoaresBusty Playmate Alana SoaresBusty Playmate Alana SoaresBusty Playmate Alana Soares

15 thoughts on “Classic Playmate – Alana Soares”

  1. I used to digg silicon crops, but i´m currently more natural-oriented. Keep ´em going!

  2. She definitely needs a bush trim…and Playboy could try not airbrushing the photo the point that it looks like a painting. But she’s definitely a gorgeous woman, none the less.

  3. definitely a beautiful woman. i agree her wiener needs to be shaped up…not necessarily shaved, but at least trimmed damn it!

  4. Ahhh memories….of my high school DAZE back in the mid 80s. I remember her well from some of my old PB rags from back in the day. Especially the raft/river shots….
    The big bush was more of the norm back then, rather than the exception….unfortunately…

  5. i saw this rafting pic years ago, somoene sent it in an email with some looong story about a couple on vacation who had some native guide take them rafting and surprise surprise the “guide” was butt naked for the whole trip.
    it was a believable story, until you look close at the pic, and the ‘guides’ french nails are an inch long, not what a real rafting guide could effectively paddle with.
    but a doggone great pic, and it’s fun to dream one would find yourself in such a situation with a knockout ‘guide’.

  6. hell no,, she needs no bush trimming….I am sick of the shaved bush look. I dont want no barbie doll looking woman. Keep your shaved looked.

  7. I was at a hockey game at the Great Western Forum in May 1984, and Miss Soares asked me out to a party at the Playboy club. You other guys can dream of being with her for the night, but I don’t need to.

  8. what a honey, i would lick the water off her when she steped out of the shower. she would not need a towel. real cute long toes also.She would love my big package.10 fat inches.


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