Classic Boobs: Janice Hurst!

Janice Hurst is a boob model who posed for various pictorials during the Seventies. Not that much is known about her, but she was a cover model for several men’s magazines such as Gent. She had a pretty spectacular rack!

Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda

Janice HurstJanice HurstJanice HurstJanice HurstJanice HurstJanice HurstJanice HurstJanice Hurst

Janice Hurst

Janice Hurst

Janice Hurst

3 thoughts on “Classic Boobs: Janice Hurst!”

  1. Great post, Nik! Taking some acid while listening to Hendrix and tittyfucking busty hoes like the one above: Those were the days in the 70ties! Good ole times!


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