Christina Hendricks’ Boobs in a Black Dress!

Christina Hendricks’ boobs look gigantic in this black dress while she walked the red carpet for Elton John’s Oscar Party in Los Angeles! I’m still shocked that there is a guy out there who decided divorcing her was the thing to do. If you walk away from playing with those huge naturals, you’re a damn fool.

Celebrity boobs in movies and TV at: Mr. Skin

Christina Hendricks big boobsChristina Hendricks big boobsChristina Hendricks big boobsChristina Hendricks big boobsChristina Hendricks big boobsChristina Hendricks big boobsChristina Hendricks big boobs

7 thoughts on “Christina Hendricks’ Boobs in a Black Dress!”

  1. I have heard that she’s a crazy and made a pact to never have kids.

    She probably got rid of the guy after he got tired of pretending.

    • wouldn’t surprise me – most hollyweird types are weirdos

      she’s fit as fuck though – absolute goddess and would bang no matter how weird she is

  2. what?!? not wanting kids is a feature not a bug

    ive always loved her perfectly built for fucking body(even though she has gotten bigger over the years) but i think her face is her best feature. shes so fucking gorgeous & sexy, making her a reverse butterface

  3. Number one top tier goddess.
    Her hairline is receeding a bit, but she rules over all other big titty girls.

  4. Yeah, damn fool confirmed. That dude’s loss I guess.

    “‘Cause some damn fool accused you of bein’ the best.” — Dillon, Predator, 1987.


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