Christina Aguilera Cleavage on The Today Show

Christina Aguilera keeps teasing me with her big boobs and by doing so she keeps convincing me that she is attractive! Then I glance at her face and the rest of her and realize that she got very chubby and simply doesn’t have a face for chubbyness. I have no problem with chubby women and their big juicy boobs but Christina Aguilera just looks a lot better skinny. Her tits looked great on The Today Show though.

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Christina Aguilera cleavageChristina Aguilera cleavageChristina Aguilera cleavageChristina Aguilera cleavageChristina Aguilera cleavageChristina Aguilera cleavage

5 thoughts on “Christina Aguilera Cleavage on The Today Show”

  1. she is just one of those women that i will love no matter what her size is.
    I will agree that her face does seem a bit stressed but her body looks amazing. Can only imagine how it feels.

  2. I think she is looking hot as ever, certainly better than so many of those anorexic women that are suppose to be the “hotties” of music and TV. Her legs in the 4th pic are fantasic!

  3. Wow she certainly looks like she put on a couple of kilograms. Quite the turn off, and I always thought she was one of the hottest women in existence.


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