Chloe Vevrier in the Tropics

Ah, the tropics. Warm weather, sandy beaches, palm tree’s and lazy days. Could it get any better than that? Oh hell yeah it can! By adding busty Chloe Vevrier in a bathing suit! I have to say that fills out that bathing suit quite well.. not that it stays on for very long.

Pictures from: Chloe Vevrier

Chloe Vevrier fills out her bathing suitChloe Vevrier fills out her bathing suitChloe Vevrier fills out her bathing suitChloe Vevrier fills out her bathing suitChloe Vevrier fills out her bathing suitChloe Vevrier fills out her bathing suitChloe Vevrier fills out her bathing suitChloe Vevrier fills out her bathing suit

10 comments on “Chloe Vevrier in the Tropics”

  1. magnarider says:

    Please check the links.

  2. me says:

    Pics work for me.

    It’s amazing how Chloe seems to be growing younger…I don’t understand it at all…

  3. ac3boy says:

    She stays hydrated. Her breasts actually hold gallons of water to keep her that way.

  4. joeblow says:

    those pics are photoshopped to all hell

  5. some guy says:

    I think that’s Manuel Antonio beach in Costa Rica… went there last year on a trip.

  6. Edward says:

    Chloe = dream girl.

  7. eatonburger says:

    it disgusts me that they are CONSTANTLY photoshopping all her photos. to the moron who thinks she is getting younger… the images are edited to smooth her skin, remove blemishes, and even accentuate her features. i cant believe how many people don’t recognize this when its completely obvious like in her photos. anakee is another one who cant release photos until they have been photoshopped because she bases her entire career on it and yet still hardly anyone recognizes it. disgusting.

  8. earlvegas says:

    eatonburger–These are airbrushed to hell but watch some of her recent vidoes, you dumbass. She’s better looking than ever.

  9. Carlos says:

    Very little airbrushing here in fact but anyone who doesn’t like what they see od know what they are talking about, should save their vitriol for something more deserving. Chloe does in fact, (in reality) look much better than she did when she was at the mercy of the Score Group. Noticing and commenting on her blossoming does not make someone a ‘moron’, moron.

  10. Andres says:

    She’s wonderful!!!

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