Ahh.. this crap again. I still dont understand why people care if a person is posing nude or not, but Carlie Christine is the latest victim of this stupidity. If she is a good cheerleading coach, posing nude in Playboy doesn’t change that!
What makes this story even more sour is that it wasen’t until some girls got kicked off the cheerleading squad for skipping school that their parents started to complain about the photos and Carlie got fired as a result. Read the entire story.
Playmates archive: Playboy Plus
“The whole football team has seen it,” says one parent.
ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think the ones who watch the most enormous quantity of porn are the CENSORS.
it’s too bad she got kicked out of school… but now she can have a real job to match with her real boob job. with the medid cover this one attract, i feel we’re gonna see more of her…
even if except an X-RAY we have seen everything.
i wish she was my coach 😀
She is stunning
Wow. None of those parents are going to question how there underage children knew about the pictures but are more than willing to get her fired. I wasn’t like she was showing the kids the pictures
I’m all for fake boobs, but her right breast looks TERRIBLE. She should get a refund on that sucker…or a free fix or something.
Very very pretty, though.
Pi9c 3 is awesome. She’s hot and has a great body.
Damn I used to play that high school in football and baseball! I wish she was there when I was in school.
The cheerleaders should have posed with her
who cares if this pretty young woman posed for playboy online , how does this affect her job , modern day parents are real morons , no dear shun sex its bad for you , or better yet it will make you go blind ( remember that one folks who are old enough ) no wonder so many woman get raped in this country , and last but not least im willing to bet it was the mothers who made all the stink ( jealous ).
Why should she get fired for showing her awesome body to the world? If she wants to, let her, no-one’s telling the kids to look at it and more importantly I’m sure she didn’t expect students of her school to be looking at playboy and find her there.
And Jeff I completely agree with you it’s bollocks isn’t it.
Funny how she is fired for appearing in something that is meant for adults 18 years and older only. I would sue if I were here. Its not like she posted them in the hallway. Once again parents want to blame everyone else but themselves for not being the parents they should be.
Most of the cheerleaders at Casa are such whorish sluts – they’re the ones that probably egged her on. Compared to what those little skanks show via their cellphones, myspace, and emails – this photoset is rather tame.
The parents involved in ratting this set of “Tits of the Week” are hypocrites. We live in a society that tells kids to be careful what you do online or in print because then there will be repurcussions… we expect authority figures to hold people accountable for their actions… then we bitch and moan about people being held accountable.
Fuck this skank – no doubt with her tight little body she’ll have no trouble whoring her way to financial liquidity – either by slamming her twat into metal or meat poles on a nightly basis or by hiring some whore lawyer to pull even more money out of a California school district so she can sell her sob story to Lifetime television.
I have no problem if adults want to do adult stuff – but fucked be ye if you want to make your adult activities public and work with kids. Lord knows the whole world would have a shit storm if it came out that a male coach was doing the same thing.
Lying soulless whores are lying soulless whores be they cheerleaders or cheer coaches. May they all get horribly fucked for the rest of their self centered, god awful miserable fucking lives until they rot in hell.
If her tits get any higher she’ll need to weigh them down when she eats soup just so she can get the spoon in her mouth. What an awesome woman.
I hate to be a tad anal, but the article you linked to is actually really badly written. That’s sub-high school standard.
Why couldn’t I have a teacher like her?
me says, knows nothing about boob jobs, in fact he is a boob, they are very good, this coming from 26 years of strip club experience!
The parents who “outed” her were sore losers because their daughters didn’t make the cut and they wanted to get back at the cheerleading coach. Screw them. Hopefully the coach will go on to bigger and better things.
It’s to bad she lost her job for this, this happend years before her job with the closed minded school, as a matter of fact we all know that students do not pay attention in class, I bet she has the undevided attention of all.
This is why there are so many teen pregnancies and other acts of immaturity. Teens these days are STILL reprimanded for inquiring about sex. The sex ed courses in the high schools are still a complete crock of shit. Abstinance, abstinance, abstinance. Honestly….? Ugh…I better stop now before I burst a blood vessel.