Charlotte McKinney Posed Topless!

Here’s a photo of a Charlotte McKinney posing topless for something called the ONE project! Pretty awesome to see her go topless.. but.. this should’ve happened about 3 years ago if you ask me.

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Charlotte McKinney toplessCharlotte McKinney topless

8 thoughts on “Charlotte McKinney Posed Topless!”

  1. SORRY, IM NOT IMPRESSED. Dem tiddays be lookin defated. Bitch looks like jus one more top model hoe. Nothin special bout her anymore. R.I.P.

  2. Nice to see her show her tits but…… holy crap where did they go? Her tits were her meal ticket and she lost them. Yes her tits look good enough here but compared to 3 or 4 years ago it looks like she went from DD or DDD down to C’s….. what a waste of epic tits.

  3. Holy crap….she is turning into a skeleton and yes all the weight (fat) she’s lost has come from her once epic and awesome tits. She continues to fail to understand that she’s famous for her tits, and now she’s somehow been convinced she needs to lose weight and has lost numerous cup sizes and her money makers. Now she’s just another pretty face in the crowd, nothing special at all about her. Sad….truly pathetic and sad she literally “lost” her fame and money makers


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