9 thoughts on “Charlotte McKinney in a Black Swimsuit! Nip Slip!!”

  1. Excellent set even without the nip slip. (Although, is it really a “slip” if you’re pulling your own top off at the time?)

  2. Remember when you thought her tits were shrinking?
    Wish she would’ve slipped that hard nip out after she went take a piss in the water!

  3. Her tits were smaller and let’s all face it, we’re looking at her because of her tits. If she had a pair of B’s or even C’s we wouldn’t have looked twice at her. But the fact her tits are huge and we’ve seen them even bigger….that’s the reason she’s “famous ” and why we look at her.

  4. She read the comments here and starting eating cheeseburgers again to fatten those moneymakers back up.

  5. She looks great.
    I’d be as happy with her as anyone else here.

    HOWEVER, I still find myself a little more interested in her friend, Brittany, the thin, lithe one.
    Awesome figure, too.
    Just like Charlotte is tops in her category…I think Brittany is tops in hers.

  6. The nip slip was calculated, she knows that no one is interested in another Jordan Carver, or she show them or she wil have to go to the forgotten zone.


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