4 thoughts on “Charlotte McKinney Cleavage at a <em>Pre-Oscar</em> Gala!”

  1. Charlotte McKinney has gotten far too skinny and her huge tits have deflated. Not only are they smaller but they’re also sagging pretty bad. This at least gives hope that if she puts weight back on they will refill as opposed to if they simply shrunk her cup sizes might have been gone forever, as returning weight is not guaranteed to go back into shrunken tits. Let’s up she doesn’t get a breast lift though because that will remove the breast tissue that will hold the fat should she add weight back on. If that happens and she does put weight on, it won’t go back into her tits. So all she needs to do is put some weight back in and she will be the goddess again. However her problem is that she doesn’t want to be known as a pair of tits. Fair enough, but just own it. Don’t resent it. Really shine in whatever u do and people will see passed the tits, u don’t have to cut your divine breasts off, literally 1 in a billion set of tits just to Force everyone to see your other gifts. That’s a stupid ass road to go down like Keeley hazell. Put in your dues and be a great actress and eventually it will come through. Don’t have off your blessed bust just to spite the haters. There will always be haters because people are pretty and jealous and hate others for having what they don’t have. Don’t listen to that. Pump ur titties back up with some fat, reinflate your deflated tits Charlotte and move forward.


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