Charlie Riina Turns to Politics by Running for Office in Canada!

Busty model Charlie Riina, who we posted many times on this website, is taking her big boobs to the far right by becoming the People’s Party of Canada’s candidate for the Humber River-Black Creek area of Toronto.

Without getting into politics too much, the People’s Party of Canada is a one step to the right of the traditional conservatives, so its somewhat surprising that they are aligning themselves with a big tit Playboy model. I thought conservatives hated nudity almost as much as they hated immigrants but attention always wins in politics I suppose.

I hope she loses. Source

16 thoughts on “Charlie Riina Turns to Politics by Running for Office in <em>Canada!</em>”

  1. I’m right wing but what I dont get about Canada and States is that 9o% of the people there are bloody immigrants..
    They sure ain’t native population.
    So I dont understand.

    You trace yourself back 1000 years to an area where where was no great immigration, I’d say that makes you indigenous and should have say over the I got here last week lot..
    But yeah, basically everyone in this country arrived as an immigrant in last 2 hundred years and now bitch about immigrants..
    Lost me..

    • I have no problem with a proper documented immigrant. Illegal aliens(meaning fucking criminal, for all you PC pussys) should be shot, so they can’t keep coming back after deportation.

  2. KKK is best one..
    Our grand daddies import slaves by the ship load.

    Then we complain cos all these damn fucking black boys here…😝😝😝🤷‍♂️🤦‍♀️🙈🤯🙉🤦‍♀️
    What a bunch of fucking retards

  3. Puzzles me as much as the fuktards on here than complain about looking at neeked wummin fir free…
    Other sites are available gentlemen..
    Please feel free to use em…

  4. Illegal aliens ≠ immigrants . Conservatives support free markets and personal ownership of your body .liberals are no friends to sex workers or the gays . LGBT are most oppressed in socialist (ultra liberal )nations .

    • Nope, illegals are immigrants too. Thats why they’re normally called ‘illegal immigrants’ … because they IMMIGRATED illegally. An immigrant is a person who moved from another country, regardless of how or why. And a Canadian that stays in the US after their student visa expires is just as illegal as a Mexican that walked in through butt-fuck nowhere Texas.

      Liberals support free markets. You’re confusing liberals with communists. Not that it matters since it has nothing do with anything one way or the other here.

      If conservatives are so into ownership of ones own body, shouldn’t they be the ones supporting a womans right to choose to have an abortion rather than doing everything they can to force them to carry to term? Similarly, why is it conservatives that seem to be the most homophobic and transphobic? Doesn’t seem very supportive of ‘personal body ownership’ to me.

      Liberalism isn’t the same as socialism. Not going to go explaining it in a porn blog comment section, but there is a decent overview on the differencebetween website. Anyway, I’d kinda like to know how you consider sex workers in places like Amsterdam ‘oppressed’ when their trade is not only legal, but is encouraged for tourism. I don’t have a clue where you’re coming from that liberal nations are the ones that oppress homosexuals. Declaring homosexuality to be a crime (possibly punishable by death) or simply non-existant is infinitely more oppressive than the typical liberal policy of allowing same sex couples to marry and otherwise be the same as opposite sex couples.

      And Niklas, more (. )( .) & less politics please.

  5. Can have a safe place in my ball sacck neebur…
    It’s nice and warm there.
    I hope your both American immigrants..
    Myst suk..
    Bit like yer maws..
    Tho to be fair..
    They are both quite good..
    If my views offend you..
    Go on a gun rampage..
    Ling as you shoot yourselves at the end..😘😘😘

  6. Hahahaha, immigration is always causing people to fight. LOL!

    Grow some self confidence. If you’re good at your job, an immigrant isn’t going to steal it from you.

    The world is better with diversity. Variety is the spice of life.

  7. Immigration today has become the mass invasion of poor people who have nothing in common with us into my and your frakin’ homelands, Nik. If you thibk it’s OK you’re a stupid fool and you and your country will get what it deserves. Goodbye.

  8. When immigration becomes the invasion of third-world poor people I’d say there is good reason to hate it. Too bad you can’t keep your pollyanna opinions to yourself. Goodbye.

  9. this thread has got to be the most hilarious thread ever in the history of this blog

    one day I’ll read it


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