Chanelle Hayes is Fat Again!

Chanelle Hayes has gone through a bunch of transformations since we started covering her on Boobie Blog. When we first met her she was a slender girl with barely a handful of titties (Link).

Then she got herself bigger boobs and also gained some weight. Link.

And then she lost all the weight. Link. And now she’s fat again. Also, she’s topless!

Use a Fleshlight while you view the pics.

Chanelle Hayes is fat and  toplessChanelle Hayes is fat and  toplessChanelle Hayes is fat and  topless

10 thoughts on “Chanelle Hayes is Fat Again!”

  1. Her tits are great, but…. yeah… no.

    She’s clearly just doing this so she can then peddle some weight-loss pill or whatever. She did it before and it obviously works for her, now that the lads’ mage are all gone and there’s no-one to pay her for just going topless (and being skinny).

  2. Oh look, another shit comment from the woman expert Pefr! You sure this is the correct site for you, perhaps try sites that promote fake bitches with plastic boobs n fkd up faces, that seems your bag! I’d still rather fk Lucy Collett than the bitches you love and say are sexy

  3. Oh look another fat shaming comment from someone more than likely fat and sex life of a virgin.


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