Christina Aguilera Pokies
Hmm.. this looks familiar. Christina Aguilera + pregnant + big boobs + car = deja vu! I wonder if I posted these pics before. I hope I havent because then … View post
Hmm.. this looks familiar. Christina Aguilera + pregnant + big boobs + car = deja vu! I wonder if I posted these pics before. I hope I havent because then … View post
The pregnant Christina Aguilera boob watch continues. For some reason it seems that she’s been in a lot of cars lately. Good to see she is wearing a seatbelt too. … View post
Which means she continues to be really busty as well. Here are some nice cleavage shots of her, getting out of a car. Mr. Skin
And I love it. I think she is pregnant right? either that or she got herself some bigger implants! Mr. Skin
Christina Aguilera held a “Back To Basics” (her third album) conference in Shanghai dressed like cleavage is what her album is all about. I guess by back to basics she … View post
Wow, I think this might possibly be the sexiest dress I have ever seen. Now Playboy just need to cough up the dough to get her naked so we can … View post
I dont know what kind of event sparked Christina to dress up like this but Im thankfully she did! She just need to lose that doofus next to her and … View post
Here is Christina Aguilera’s latest photo shoot for the UK version of GQ Magazine. I think her clevage is pretty hot in these pics.
Christina Aguiler apparantly left a hotel the other day and it seems like she forgot to wear a bra. I swear, its only a matter of time before she poses … View post
I know these pics are several days old now, but Ive been desperatley trying to find bigger versions than the ones other sites have published. Well, mission accomplished. Here is … View post
These are pics of Christina Aguilera from the Maxim party. Im posting these because Im convinced her boobs somehow got bigger? Vivid Celeb
Wow, I found even more hot celebrity nipple slips. Here is a couple of pictures of Christina Aguilera’s nipple ring! Yummy.. Christina never has to wear a bra on my … View post