Category: Rebecca Marshall

Rebecca Marshall Topless on Party Down

I have never seen Party Down but I hear its good so I will have to check it out some time + Lizzy Caplan is in it and let me tell you.. I like Lizzy Caplan. HBO is currently airing the second season and the latest episode had this scene of Rebecca Marshall and her awesome boobs in it! There needs to be more parties with topless waitresses.

I’ve never heard of Rebecca Marshall before but her IMDB reveals that she’s been getting smaller parts in movies / TV shows and that not only does she have great boobs but her face is very pretty as well! She is also from Toronto so if you read this Rebecca, lets hook up!

A treasure map to boobs: FLING

Rebecca Marshall is toplessRebecca Marshall is topless

UPDATE: Just found a video clip of the scene which is well worth watching. Click here.