Category: Sallie Axl

Sallie Axl’s 2014 Calendar is Cool

Sallie Axl isn’t one of my favourite glamour models but, she is still a glamour model and so far her 2014 calendar is the most interesting out of all the ones coming out next year. At least when I judge it from these outtakes. I haven’t actually seen the final thing. Loving those shots of her as a pussy cat. And, speaking of pussy.. she is showing as much of hers as she possibly can without the glamour model police getting upset.

Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda

Sallie Axl 2014 calendarSallie Axl 2014 calendarSallie Axl 2014 calendarSallie Axl 2014 calendarSallie Axl 2014 calendarSallie Axl 2014 calendarSallie Axl 2014 calendarSallie Axl 2014 calendarSallie Axl 2014 calendarSallie Axl 2014 calendar