I got the impression you guys liked the last video I posted with Carmen so here is another one!
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Chat with Carmen: Cam With Her
I got the impression you guys liked the last video I posted with Carmen so here is another one!
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Chat with Carmen: Cam With Her
As near as I can tell from the site, she never gets topless. Did anyone learn otherwise?
The above statement is so easily refutable: I’m sure she does get topless sometimes (like when she takes a shower at home), just not so often when she is in front of a camera and even rarer when she wears nothing AND at the same time not covering her implanted breasts with her hands, a brick wall nor any other devices blocking the direct view of a camera.
That said, I’m quite sure I have seen that bitch’s bare nipples in quite a number of pictures.
Keep the Carmen videos cummin’… errrr… comin’!
sorry, not quite as good as the last one…actually no where
near as good as the last one 🙁
Hail Caesar. 😀
No way. Caesar’s a douchebag. Is that shit really supposed to be clever?
Actually, Caeser was pretty clever on that one.
I agree with Jim mainly because he seems to be insulting her, and well definitely need more of her videos
Well I don’t see her as someone I should respect (nor worthy enough for me to jerk off to).
You may hail Electra as you like. I will save my bullets on that one (I have better taste than that).
aaarrrggghhhh…it’s won’t load…I’m deprived… 🙁