Carmen Electra Went to a Town Called Bikinis

I have to give this guy a lot of credit! Not only did he trademark the word breastaurant and, founded his own Texas town and named it Bikinis after his chain of sports bars but, he somehow managed to get Carmen Electra to enter Bikinis bust of fame at the opening festival for the town.

Good job, guy.

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Carmen Electra in Bust of FameCarmen Electra in Bust of FameCarmen Electra in Bust of Fame

They also had a bikini contest with these fine ladies:
Carmen Electra in Bust of FameCarmen Electra in Bust of Fame

3 thoughts on “Carmen Electra Went to a Town Called Bikinis”

  1. This was right by me. Had I not have gotten married last year I would have gone. Oh well…No way wife would allow me to go there.


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