Carmella Bing got Fat

Ok, so I definitely have noticed that Carmella Bing got a bit thicker lately but I’m not afraid of a thicker woman so I don’t mind… BUT.. with her latest porn scene she has definitely let herself go and went from thick to PLUMP! The funny thing is that the scene if for a site called Plumper Pass too so it’s like she went from being a hot big tit porn star to a BBW porn star.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a thin porn star get fat like this before. It’s a shame because I always thought she was sexy as hell!

The before cheesburgers took over pics..

Big tit porn starBig tit porn starBig tit porn starBig tit porn star

..and the new bigger Carmella..

UPDATE: Free video trailer

Big tit porn starBig tit porn starBig tit porn starBig tit porn star

96 thoughts on “Carmella Bing got Fat”

  1. Come on guys, the woman just had a baby. That is some pretty significant weight gain, but it’s not like she just let herself go.

  2. I hope your right about the her just having a baby because I like her thick but not fat, so I hope this new bbw phase is just a phase. Or god help us.

  3. pornstars have babies….that must suck for the kid from about age 8 to 17…hope it wasnt a boy….i can hear those bad ass kids now….telling her son how they ordered a mold of his moms ‘gina on ebay for 16.71 plus shipping….hahahahaha

  4. It’s hard to believe that the picture of her wearing a gray dress is real. Would still love to fuck her, if the opportunity was there.

  5. this is real man i saw a vid clip of her fat self fucking…. why oh why would she let herself go like that

  6. Yeah she just had a baby….a baby gorilla.

    Seriously, most women don’t put on a ton of fat distributed ALL OVER THEIR BODY when they get pregnant. Only some do. And those women don’t ever lose that weight.

    So yeah, she had a baby….and she let herself go during the pregnancy.

    I know one girl who let herself go that badly during pregnancy…’s been 10 years and she’s still a hog.

  7. holy sweet jesus. The tats are hers… you can see the transition on her blog.

    Man, if she is married I bet that dude is pissed. But then again she fucks for a living so I guess he can just add that to the list…

    holy lord.

  8. This is disturbingly weird! she was hot before now… why, oh wyyy! its definitely not fake, all those stretch marks and stuff, too realistic to be fakes.

    at least i still have gianna!

  9. She looks way better and fucks like ive never seen her fuck before. One of my new favorite videos. her tits look better than ever.

    Just like to note that some of the ads on here for the cam girls feature more than a few “plumper” models.

  10. Okay at first I only saw the first 4 pics and I was like what are they talking about being fat. Then I scrolled a little more and seriously screamed woah and jumped out of my seat. This is disgusting.

  11. Fucking gross. How desperate is she that she couldnt even wait a couple months after popping out a kid to get back to porn?

  12. I don’t know guys. Something seems way off. I really think its two different girls/women. Obviously everyone, including myself is gaga about the first set of pics. And pretty damn disturbed about the second set. Sure getting pregnant is one thing but two have two different tattoos, one on the arm and one on the leg, seems a bit of stretch. In addition, its pretty clear to me that in the first set she has implants. So she gets pregnant, gets real boobies and during the pregnancy had the implants removed? Just a bit unlikely if you ask me. And yes, agreed with a bunch of other responses that the weight gain is excessive. But heck for all we know she had twins, triplets, etc.

    Regardless, I am quite happy just staring at the first set of pics and not the second.

  13. What are most of you going on about? Granted, out of the two sets of pics, I’d prefer her slimmer, but given the chance you would chew your own arm off to spend an hour alone with her. Then again if she was hungry, she might chew your arm off….. That came out wrong. She’s still hot as far this pervert is concerned.

  14. Come on look at the stretch marks, and Niklas’ vid, it’s obviously not fake.

    Why would she do that to herself?

  15. BTW….she used to be over 200 lbs before she started doing porn.

    So….for those of you who like this, it’s probably going to stay how it is.

  16. this makes me sad… i’ve been watching here since I was a kid… granted I’m only 18 but still… she was always one of my favorites though but now… this is just depressing…

  17. DAMN THAT BITCH IS FAT AS HELL NOW!! You guys who like her better this way are DEFINITELY chubby chasers. But hey, to each his own. Pregnancy or not that bitch let herself go, period. She’s fat as fuck. Biggest disappointment since Lela Star got botox and implants.

  18. Lose weight Carmella! Thick (not fat or obese) chicks are hot!! Your a beautiful woman, don’t let yourself go!!

  19. yea i was gonna say she was probably bigger before she started doing porn…you can see her gaining a little extra weight in her pictures, and then on myspace she seems as though she’s gettin away from porn…but i guess not. On her myspace, even well into pregnancy she doesn’t look that big in her legs and arms, but i think she’s done with doing porn her old way.

  20. Isnt she pregnant? I saw somewhere that she had gotten pregnant so isnt the bottom pictures her being pregnant?

  21. She probably lost all of her weight at first by doing loads of cocaine and meth which is common for porn stars. Then she got pregnant, gave up the drugs, and started eating normally again.

    I’m not sure what’s the better alternative, an exploding heart from cocaine or from arteries bursting with margarine.

  22. Damn! Hotter than ever! I would be all over that! wish I was that lucky bastard in that photoshoot!

  23. Yes…she got pregnant.. …anyways she luks good still……I seen a few videos of her after her baby…..she stills fucks good
    Best wishes to themom and baby

  24. Thats totally real.
    shes beautifull beeng fat, but i liked her more when she was thiner
    i still love u carmella
    and ill still fuck you when ever u want bb

  25. i always masturbate with your videos
    i still masturabte with them
    and i love the videos were you look a little fat like the pictures of you fat

  26. Hope this is permanent. She looks better and more natural. Have her gain another 50 pounds to make sure there is no return of her being skinny again. Have her stay fat. Her ass and tits will get bigger. She is a big girl and should stay a big girl!

  27. Grew up watchin her. She is way to big now…my cock doesn’t even flinch watchin a new vid…gonna have to move on*tear. I sure hope alexis silver doesn’t ever get like this. She’s my fav 🙂

  28. That bitch needs to lose some fucking weight. She used to be worth while but now she’s just another worthless fat fuck.

  29. she looks great and besides, burgers and beef does NOT make you fat, it is the cake and bread and carbs.

  30. She blew up yo. There is gaining wait from a pregnancy and there is letting yourself go during a pregnancy. I can only imagine the weight of the baby, considering she is 5’10” and is easily 200 now.

  31. Well the pics are real , Go to the site and see , plus now she has HIV so her career is over anyways

  32. Those pictures are definately not fake its funny how people try to seem like experts. I have seen the videos that those pictures are from and she definitely gained a bunch of wait so i guess her skin is just off, some women where make-up and the tone of the foundation is often of a darker complexion than the rest of their body which sees a significant amount less sun.

  33. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? I have read many comments………….one that made me laugh was a comment that remarked on Carmella now havinmg stretch masks, but also saying that gianna was hot. Gianna has sooooooooooooooo many stretch marks when you look at “UNTOUCHED” pics. Camella is a “REAL” woman………..and as far as I am concerned………………..a MAJORITY of the males that have made comm ents “AGAINST” her, only run her down because they are so god damn egotistical that they can’t meet a REAL woman…..

  34. youre all idiots if you think these are shopped because she’s still in VIDEOS at this weight. change the “pic” search to a “video” search. fucking idiots.

  35. > feel sorry for the guy in the last picture
    lol nooooope! this is genuine heavy BDSM action!

  36. here’s the website of the video, full video. kinda shocked to see her first being slim, then thick, then a little big, then OMFGD! I’d still maybe do her, but after a few drinks

  37. First and foremost, thank you to those who have seen me thru my ups and downs stuck by my side and encouraged me along the way, i appriciate your positivity as so much negative strikes even the strongest to sadness.. and that i have certainly had my lifetimes worth of gloomy days.. ive had enough.. to the haters, love you too.. now take a good look at yourselves. All the best to you and i wish you enough when karma is lookin right back at you… youll wish you had enough.. we’re only human.. and for the record… there is now a cure for HIV, which i am reluctant to test negatory for all ya slandering meandering neandrithols.. thanks for your attention.

    Carmella Bing

  38. Those who think that the pics of a larger Carmela are fakes are most likely THE stupidest people on this planet. All you have to do is watch the latest videos of Carmella and you will see that she is no longer “skinny”. How do you fake a video when the actual actress appears in said video sporting 50 pounds or more? Also, i bet you stupid losers have not met her in person recently. If you did then you would see that her body is bigger than before.

  39. Holy shit she plumped the fk up!!!! But she’s a big ass boneded bitch anyway. I’d bone the shit out that sloshy pussied fat ass just on principle.

  40. Disgraceful! What a great way to ruin her legacy. You’d never guess this whale of a woman once shared the limelight with the likes of legends like Gianna Michaels.


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