Busty Japanese Porn Star China Matsuoka!

China Matsuoka made her debut in the Japanese porn industry a few years ago, starred in several movies and became VERY popular! But, despite her popularity she retired due to potential health concerns.

Luckily she has left behind a terrific catalogue of smut, which you can check out at R18, and as you can see from the photos below – her boobs are quite nice! I’d even go as far as saying that they are VERY nice!

Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda

China Matsuoka boobsChina Matsuoka boobsChina Matsuoka boobsChina Matsuoka boobsChina Matsuoka boobsChina Matsuoka boobsChina Matsuoka boobsChina Matsuoka boobsChina Matsuoka boobsChina Matsuoka boobsChina Matsuoka boobsChina Matsuoka boobs

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