14 comments on “Busty Disco Queen Tyra!”

  1. k says:

    Don’t know if it’s racist but black tits are disgusting!
    Thankfully she’s more brown than black!

  2. Joe says:

    No, not good. She’s fucking disgusting.

  3. The Dude says:

    @K everything is racist unless you’re a white victim

  4. Lance Burton says:

    She has more hair on her face than i do.

  5. JA says:

    ET face is back? Really? No matter how hot parts of her body might be there’s no place on this site for women that look like ET!

  6. William Still says:

    I don’t agree with the others. She’s pretty cute.

  7. Bossman says:

    Guys let’s appreciate the beautiful aspects of her, and not sound like ungrateful grumps. This woman has a wonderful body, period.

  8. answerman says:

    She needs a face-ectomy. Stat!

  9. Lance Burton says:

    I appreciate her facial hair Bossman. It reminded me to pick up blades.

  10. Really People?? says:

    You are all complaining about her face? Really?? You are looking at the wrong part of her body. This is BOOBIE blog, not FACE blog and I don’t care what color they are…she has FANTASTIC boobs. Good find!

  11. John says:

    Look at all those comments!!: my gay radar it’s about to explode. I’d hit that anytime (hopefully)

  12. Sol says:

    I’m not into black chicks but she’s pretty fucking hot

  13. Mike says:

    Butterface. Extreme butterface.

  14. PaloCreed says:

    i dont know what yall are talkin about. i would fuck the Shit outta her!!!!

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