Busty Atheist Alyssa!

Alyssa or @pooroldkilgore on Twitter is a busty redhead who’s Twitter feed is either about atheism or cleavage pics. Guess which part caught my attention? You’re right.. the atheism. Hah! Just fucking with you.

Instead of going to church every sunday Alyssa celebrates #ShirtlessSunday, and that alone is reason for you to give her a follow.

A treasure map to boobs: FLING

Busty AtheistBusty AtheistBusty AtheistBusty AtheistBusty AtheistBusty AtheistBusty AtheistBusty Atheist

15 thoughts on “Busty Atheist Alyssa!”

  1. Yea she’s an “athiest” until her life is challenged and she’s forced to consider something beyond her little bubble where “no god” is edgy considering her favorite shows are probably The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, etc etc etc

    Yep, just another athiest. Lol.

  2. @TheDumbPosterBefore
    Or maybe she just faces the reality of the life. Yeah, she has the right to think that there is no creature in the sky, mentioned in books written between 1300-2000 years, derived from ancient mythologies, with a primitive reasoning.
    And even if there is someone/something, which I highly doubt, well, he made us, so that was expected, this creature knows everything.

    Very very nice boobies though, I like this girl.

  3. I personally never could respect such atheists. I see many like this, especially females. Whiny specifically anti-monotheistic types who have some vendetta against such religions caused by personal conflict with people who support them in the past. Often, they have had beef with zealots. These atheist types make atheists seem more like debauched sullen teenagers than anything else. Oh and having your life is challenged doesn’t mean you’re forced to consider something beyond yourself, simply deal with the challenger and move on. Plus being an atheist doesn’t mean you face reality. What is reality anyway? It’s only as your mind perceives it and the shared perception of it is what we call reality. That’s why I’m an agnostic.
    Anyway, I like her tits and I hope the pretentious womanchild skank goes completely nude, but other than that I find her as bad as the bible thumpers.

  4. Personally, I could never respect such agnostics. I see many like this, especially boring white guys. Whiny anti-counterculture types who have some vendetta against such beliefs caused by ultimately mundane encounters with people that have challenged their thinking in the past. Often, they have beef with anyone that doesn’t tow the line of mediocrity or normalcy. These agnostic types make agnostics seem more like smug cynics who think those two things are sufficient for a worldview. Oh and having your life challenged doesn’t doesn’t mean you have to vacillate around uncertainty to prove to yourself that you’re the only one dealing with a challenge. Plus being an agnostic doesn’t really mean you know anything anyway. What is agnosticism anyway? Its only how an apathetic, un-philosophical mind perceives organized religion to be too cumbersome and meddlesome to follow and atheism to rigid and certain to be spiritual. That’s why I’m agnostic about agnostics.
    Anyway, I like your bitch-tits and I hope that you, a pretentious pseudo-intellectual, are able to unravel your wiener so you can spank it like the rest of us, but other than that I find you as bad as the bible thumpers.

  5. What you said made no sense at all. Agnosticism isn’t about counterculture, just admitting at heart that you don’t know and believe the whole God certainty is unknowable. No one has challenged my thinking because I don’t take either rigid side. I don’t think I’m the only one dealing with a challenge, but I deal with them in ways that don’t cause trouble to people and admit it’s nothing to ponder about. I admit I knew nothing and that’s hardly being smug. That’s what agnosticism is and by nature it is a philosophy. Something to accept but not to take a lot of pride in. The people who have such certainty about theism (like you most likely) only cause conflicts.
    Here’s the gist: You misconstrued everything I said. You’re more of a pretentious pseudo-intellectual than I could ever be. Finally, you’re a jerk whose arrogance in the quality of your beliefs is the only comfort in your said short existence.

  6. Lol, because nothing you said about atheists (or theists) was arrogant.

    No, of course agnosticism isn’t about counterculture, but your attitude about this chick’s atheism was a diatribe. So, it appears to me that your agnosticism, arguing in the exact same manner you did about her being an atheist, means that you’re a pseudo-intellectual who is bitching about her (and atheists like her) only having those beliefs for the sake of being counterculture.

    You said they have these beliefs because of a personal vendetta against religious people, and because of beef with zealots, so they act like debauched, sullen teenagers and are whiny.

    You’re really going to put words in someone else’s mouth and act like the only possible way someone could arrive at beliefs like hers is “Look at me, I’m so edgy!” That is what I meant about you being anti-counterculture. Religious belief enjoys a special privilege throughout the world, so if someone is ant-theist its only because they want to listen to Marylin Manson and piss off their parents, right? Your comment was laced so full of pretentiousness and arrogance that I could cut through it with a chainsaw.

    Here is a cartoon that will illustrate exactly what I mean: http://xkcd.com/774/

    I’m not a theist, I’m an atheist, but asshats like you that think you’re better than everyone else because you play the middle are twice as obnoxious as any atheist or theist. Your views of metaphysics (reality is only as your mind perceives it and is also the shared perception of everyone else?) is retarded. You obviously have no real interest, education, or understanding of philosophy or religion. Goddamn amateur.

  7. Jacob proves a point that I forgot to make. The average male viewer will look past this girls false religion of uncertainty and typically focus on her body thus proving they have no basis of knowledge on religion studies. Infact just mentioning that you disagree with this girls religion will cause a diatribe from people defending her not based on thoughts, knowledge or words, but simply her body.

    So et al and lol, keep trucking on because you’ll give boobs attention over knowledge based on your dimished brain capacity. As they say, thinking with your dick and all that. It’s quite true with some posters here.

  8. It’s always about superiority with people like you, huh? Never equal and objective understanding just “he says I suck, he must think I’m better than me”. Atheists or theists like you never learn. You see and hear only what you want and call be idiotic or retarded for not sharing your worldview. I said you were more pretentious I could ever be and you showed me that. Plus you must think you’re some kind of master and true intellectual since you call me an amateur and pseudo-intellectual. I’m done. Enjoy your arrogance until it runs out on you, I’m going to pursue my interest in tits.

  9. Sorry, I meant “he’s” in the second sentence, but being a “true” intellectual I would guess you caught that already.

  10. Lol I bet this cum stain is enjoying the attention she is getting from her shit-tastic views on life considering all she does is rant, post boobs, and wrangles in guys to defend her ego. Now we must enjoy her body as if the gods themselves brought it down, don’t tell her though, she might not get naked anymore if the words “god” and her are associated. Poor life choices lead to poor life ideals.

    Little known, little said, big butts and small sluts. Wtf am I saying????

  11. It’s awesome watching people miss the point entirely. You folks are hilarious. “Waaaah! She has a natural edge in terms of getting attention and decided to use it to make her points! I don’t have boobs! Pay attention to MEEEEEEE!” Freaking fantastic. Look, big boobs or not, she’s one of the more reasonable Twitter atheists I’ve followed. Just as you whine that people are following her for her tits, I blame you for seeing her tits first and acting like that negates her views. Seriously, the lengths people will go to to hate on someone these days is just beyond my comprehension.


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