I first saw this bubbling thing a while back on a Jessica Alba bikini photo and thought it was awesome but completely forgot about it. Basically bubbling is just taking a photo of a girl in a bikini and adding these bubbles to it which somehow tricks the brain into thinking the girl is nude. It’s pretty cool!
I wish they really were!
I didn’t know you were a Redditor, Niklas!
Finally, science does something useful! ABOUT FUCKING TIME, SCIENTISTS.
“adding these bubbles to it which somehow tricks the brain into thinking the girl is nude” That or it hides their bikini’s.
this is from 4chan 🙂
The brain automatically fills things in for us. If there is no reason to think there is a bikini there, the brain assumes the girls are nude.
“scientists”?? I used to do this as a kid to magazines and believe me, I was no scientist back then.
yep conductor since our minds have to “make up” what’s behind the colour bands and the only thing we have to go on is the skin we see our minds trick us into beleving they are naked
what a waste of time.
This wasn’t discovered on Reddit, more like 4chan
This is awesome. Great idea
yeah, bubbling has been going on for a long time at 4chan. You can submit Facebook friends from chicks and they’ll bubble them for you, completing your jerk-off fantasies!
My brain didn’t need to be tricked into thinking this is lame.
That’s super hilarious!
Bottom girl, 2nd pic, hilarious. Got my cock bubblin’ >:D
Nice idea and great fun