Brooke Hogan in a Red Top

Ive appreciated Brooke Hogan’s display of cleavage lately but is it just me or is she looking kind of old in these pics? Not like granny old but kind of MILF porn star old. I think she is attending university or something at the moment which makes me wonder when her sex tape will come out..

Celeb sex tapes: Vivid Celeb

Brooke Hogan and her cleavageBrooke Hogan and her cleavageBrooke Hogan and her cleavageBrooke Hogan and her cleavage

7 comments on “Brooke Hogan in a Red Top”

  1. AshleySkyy says:

    She has a hot bod, but she is beginning to look old. Bitches need to stop whoring up the sun…it turns ya into leather.

  2. morrdigan says:


    No shit. That whole leather turkey neck skin on their neck/chest area by the time they are 25 makes me sick.

    And she may still have a hot bod for now but she looks more like her mom every second. And that is NOT a good thing.

  3. chris says:

    she looks like her freakin mom…OLD…wrinkled up…over tanned…SKANK!!!

  4. Inkfreak says:

    I agree with Chris, she’s looking more an more like her mom lately. Maybe that’s why Hogan cant keep his hands off her…she’s the younger version…blaaahhhhhh!!

  5. we says:

    she’s ugly

  6. Edward says:

    Wow, that dude almost looks like a woman with those man-boobs and long hair.

  7. Wiseone says:


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