Ive posted a lot of Brittany and her bod but everything has been from her website. Ive mentioned it before but I always like it when models switch photographers and stuff so we get to see their boobs in a diffrent light. Thats exactly what Brittany has done by doing a shoot for Digital Desire!
They did a really good job with her. I dont think Ive seen her look this good before. Its amazing what a little bit of professional make up and lighting does! Pic #7 is hawt!
Pictures from: Digital Desire
Her website: Brittany’s Bod
when did she get such a fat face?
i think she is cute 🙂
She looks more like girlfriend material than porno material. Her tits are awesome.
Pic #3 is tremendous. Eminently stroke-worthy, that.
her nose looks different here
your looking at her nose barry? :p
simply gorgeous, cute looks, stunning body and awesome boobs 🙂
picture #2 will make every guy horny if it happens in real life 🙂
she looks much older here
freeones.com has a new set of her up right now
I agree with Barry, her nose and cheeks look different. Maybe the “fat face” look comes from cheek implants. Has she had plastic surgery? Either way, she looks better here than I have ever seen here!