“What Should I Keep in Mind Before Dating a Dutch Girl?”

You’ve got questions? Our amazing Amsterdam escorts have answers. Free of charge.

Whether you’re looking for a casual holiday hookup, or something a bit more serious, there are some things you’ll need to know before you begin to get romantically invested in a Dutch girl. Dutch woman are something incredibly unique and special, and your standard pickup lines, over-the-top flattery, and ridiculous cash splashing won’t work. So how exactly do you date a dutch girl? Read more..

Move Over Internet Dating: Adult Entertainment Just Went Solo Thanks to Cam Girls

In the true fashion of 2020, we now have more options than ever for getting our adult entertainment- socially distanced of course.

Over and over again we hear how the covid-19 pandemic, and subsequent shutdowns, have not only killed millions- but have also brought on an impending mental health crisis that no country seems to be primed and ready to deal with. For those of us that were fortunate enough to keep our jobs- few were able to keep a grip on social intimacy. With the even introvert enjoyed din of public space, many of us have become slaves to the cold and singular monotony of our home offices and twice daily amazon deliveries. Read more..