Well, Boobie Blog wife #5 got her 60 comments and then some and she made good on her word to take more pics which I am happy to present below. Enjoy!
Want to send in photos? here’s how
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Well, Boobie Blog wife #5 got her 60 comments and then some and she made good on her word to take more pics which I am happy to present below. Enjoy!
Want to send in photos? here’s how
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Gorgeous tits! 😀
No contest to artificially inflate the number of comments? Maybe you realize that doesn’t make you the most popular girl, just the most desparate.
Lol it’s was for me and my wife I don’t think she’s desparate Clark do you have a wife or a girl friend on here
i really see no need for jack a$$ comments…these women are doing US a favorite, even tho some may not like what they see, the negative comments may discourage someone with lovely ( o )( o ) from sending in their pictures for fear of negative feedback. with that being typed Nik how could you leave that one out of the first set its one of he best ones. these tits are still f’ing super sexy wife number #5, i only hope you let yor husband do any and everything he wants to them (anything less would be uncivilized), can i be so bold as to ask how old you are? and request a picture of you on all fours so we can see how they hang? Nik you should start a contest for the wifes and girlfriends (some type of boob video would be nice) and let us vote like you did the last time.
Hot! thanks wife #5!
Those are awesome!
Yet again, superb my dear!
I call for some moderation on the comments. But I doubt that’ll happen.
another 60? 😛
Thanks for Sharing and Caring !
approved!! my only critique is the lighting was better from the first series.
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Awesome!!!! Thank you Wifey #5 for this awesome treat to a boring Wednesday afternoon at work!!
To any naysayer, keep your jealous and bitter mouths shut, or get the fuck out. If you troll in here, it just shows that you have nothing better to do but try to get some attention, since you certainly aren’t getting any from a girl. We’re on to you.
Wifey #5, keep them coming please! Bravo! Encore! Too beautiful and sexy to not have more pictures taken and shared :).
Husband #5, you lucky bastard :).
Hi every one thanks for watching i only did this because you guys ask
and well my husband told me so lol i dont know if you can see but my husband bought me some presents in the . but i did tell him that i dont think i’ll be posting any more pics up here maybe in the future ill see but (Its not because of the bad comment)
i dont eaven know what he was saying i was desparete ? “if he wasint interested why did he click lol” …but any who ah so yeah my Name is NICOLE im finaly home theres a lot to celebrate
i got a very large promotion as CEO of my company i think the comments that all of the guys left me gave a whole bunch of confedence (COCKINHAND) (DEKARD)
Thank you guys so much if i was a stripper i’d give you all free passes to
the CHAMPAGNE ROOM lol you guys r the best.NIKLAS CALL ME LOL.
PS. dont i have the greatest husband ever I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
hes the glue to my life he holds me all together thank you gn
Clark, kill yourself.
Thanks #5! Great set!
Nicole, congratulations on your promotion!! Clearly you have a lot to celebrate! I’m glad we were on hand to gaze at your lovely rack, on the eve of your business trip to getting a promotion lol.
And you know, it’s even SEXIER that a new CEO (and not some fake role play skit on a random porn site) would show us her awesome boobs here on Boobie Blog in between her ordering her execs around in the office :). Major boner lol
It’s like that quote from Jack Nicholson in ‘A Few Good Men’. – “Believe me gentleman, there is nothing sexier than a woman whom you have to salute in the morning. If you haven’t received a blowjob from a superior officer, you’re just letting the best in life pass you by.”
Congrats again, Nicole! Don’t let this be the last time we hear from you 😛
Are you kidding???? This girl cannot spell and can barely string a coherent sentence together. She is NOT the CEO of a company. You guys will fall for anything.
my name got mentioned…is that good?
Cant believe you held old a pic on us Niklas tut tut tu
Clark, you can do anything if you have the right attitude. 90% of life is attitude. My Director of Operations is a chivalrous and very smart guy, but can’t type for shit.
The smartest man in the world can’t walk, and can’t talk without the aid of modern technology. Give us all a break and go to another blog since you so clearly fail on this one.
Niklas, some moderation might be in order.
Nicole my dear, complimenting you is a pleasure unto itself. Congratulations on the promotion and thakyou once more for sharing that marvellous body with us.
Clark she didn’t say it was a fortune 500 company, you turd gargler.
So she spelled some shit wrong…we all make mistakes. Like your parents, for example.
Clark, you are right!!!!
Wedge, please, shut up.
I’m technically a CEO of a 1-man company.. hehe
bwk, go fuck yourself after Clark kills himself.
Niklas points out the truth. You guys are dipshits with clearly very little real world experience.
You’d probably cum in your underoos if #5 took her top off in the same room as you.
Wedge, I like your posts. You are exceptionally articulate with exactly what I was trying to say, but not quite saying well :). Both of your recent posts are spot on :).
“bwk, go fuck yourself after Clark kills himself………………blabla….”
muhahahaha, what a dumbass!!
Whata pair of ugly boobs. You guys must be virgins.or very desperate in life if you fap to this.
Listen i am21years old. and i think i fucked a lot more girls than you all together, and they all have nice perky tits. So stop write shit, becouse you incompetent in this questions