Boobie Blog T-Shirts

There were some talk last week that some of you were interested in Boobie Blog t-shirts. I went over to Zazzle and set up a shirt design which is identical to the Boobie Blog logo. Just a note, if you go to the gallery you can choose among a wide variety of colors and styles. The pic below is just a basic white. If you’re a girl, they also have ladies tank tops etc. If you purchase one, it would be great if you could send in a picture wearing it (no head shot necessary). Let me know what you think of it and if you’d like to see more boobie t-shirts.

Edit: There was something wrong with the link to the t-shirts but I believe I got it fixed so click on the pic below to check it out!

12 thoughts on “Boobie Blog T-Shirts”

  1. Was it me who started the T shirt quest?
    If it was… I am brill.
    Actually, you are brill.
    Gotta go for it.
    Nice one.

  2. Actually, Gary, it was I who suggested it. I’m trying to be humble…damn it, it’s hard….

    Yes, Niklas, please provide a link to the gallery.

  3. Oh, you click on the photo. Unfortunately, they say you have no products on Zazzle. Maybe it’s not active yet?

  4. mm.. Im not sure why its not showing up in the gallery. It shows up when Im logged in to the account but not otherwise.

  5. hey niklas can we please have your picture with a boobie blog t shirt on?i want to see who you are..the alpha and the omega guy.

  6. Hey Edward. I bow to your T shirt asking skills.
    Ps. Is it still hard?
    Sorry, that was a bit pervy. Ignore that question.

  7. Gary, please don’t distract me. I’m trying to photoshop a Boobie Blog t-shirt on Keeley Hazell……


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