Boobie Blog Post #10,000!!

Yep, this is Boobie Blog post number ten thousand, which is pretty crazy. I never really put any thought into it but I guess if you make about five to six posts almost every day for a few years it really adds up. Starting this site I never really had any thoughts on where it would go and, even though “its just a titty site”, I think getting to ten thousand posts is pretty cool. I’ll take this opportunity to also say thanks to everyone who visits and keeps coming back because there is no way it would still be going without the support of everyone who loves a good pair of BOOBIES!

I was trying to pick the best model for the ten thousand post but its really hard to choose so in the end I figured a cute amateur girl wishing Boobie Blog happy ten thousand posts was the way to go:

19 thoughts on “Boobie Blog Post #10,000!!”

  1. Agree with h. Should have been an epic set.

    I am sure some drunk hot chick in a bar would have done it for a beer and a t shirt. It worked for girls gone wild.

  2. Congratulations Niklas, and thanks for all of your hard work. I’ve been into big boobs for over 40 year—wait, that’s somebody else’s line. I’ve been surfing the internet for big boobs for a long time, and Boobie Blog has been a daily stop for me since I discovered it many years ago. Keep it up!

  3. Keep it up, great place to come if you need a pick me up. If that girl sees this, tell her I said her tits are just fine!

  4. Niklas, you have posted many great things. I stumbled upon your site many years ago and I’m happy that I know a great place to stumble to. šŸ™‚

    Congrats on that 10k. Here’s to 10k more!!

  5. Thanks for everything Nik!

    I was hoping to see Jordan Carver topless for this milestone…maybe for 11,000? hehe


  6. BLAH BLAH BLAH I am @ca uk and no one knows about breasts except me because I am an old fart and take whatever I can get. Sheesh dude!

    P.S. Conrats on the epic update numbers Nik!

  7. As a visitor for what has probably been too long a time, cheers and thanks for all the boobs! And forget about the haters. Love of boobs conquers all!

  8. Thanks! Introduced me to some amazing babes over the years, Denise Milani, Hitomi Tanaka, Karina Hart, to name a few. Great taste in women! Congrats!


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