New pictures of Boobie Blog girlfriend #2, also known as muffintop and that is not all! She heard you wishes, your wants and your desires and she recorded a video! Yesssss! Its not long but it is awesome.. my jaw is still on the floor and I watched it last night so call your jaw doctors and have prep for jaw surgery before you check it out!
Mmm.. creamy!
[hana-flv-player video=””width=”400″
description=”Boobie Blog Girlfriend #2″
autoload=”false” autoplay=”false”
loop=”false” autorewind=”false”
how i wish that was my cum.
muffintop wanna video chat 😀
Keep the pics coming! You’re keeping me cuming!!!
That’s moisturizer btw if anyone’s wondering : )
Do you need an extra pair of hands 🙂
@muffintop, Dont ruin my fantasies! *shakes fist*
#Girlfriend #2, spectacular tits are spectacular. They need more rubbing though. 😉
@niklas, the play is kinda screwy at the moment. The play bar shoots the right side after the ‘’ logo and if you move it to the left a little it restarts the video. Thanks for adding a player btw. 🙂
Wow wow WOW! Great pix and even better video! You rock, muffintop!
Hell yeah!
Holy Shit, htese tits have a monsters size!! Which Cup size is this muffintop?
Really great pics and a spectacular video!!
Big thx for sharing! Please let us see at the next time the hole body if possible!
i will dream from these tits tonight, thx a lot 😀
Worth the wait!!!
Pics are superb.. video is godly!!
Damn. I should have waited until I got home to look at these…. maybe I’ll leave early and just say I’m ‘sick’.
muffin… <3 <3 … thanks so much for your kindness and generosity 🙂
your fan
WOW….this is so damn hot – you are truly blessed, muffintop!
Imagine a titfuck with these… holy shit.
That said, they are SPECTACULAR, and I’m definitely looking forward to more!
Wow those things are amazing! I love em! On a side note, anyone else getting sent to boobieblog posts from feb 22 when they click on the last pic? All the other pics are golden
Fantastic set muffintop and the video is simply superb.
…wish there was a repeat option on the video player 😉
Muffin, I thought I remember you saying you were a DD cup, but now I’m thinking that I’ve remembered wrong, and that you’re in fact even bigger 😛 Please tell us :).
You truly have beautiful Weapons of Mass Distraction!!
That link to pic 6 is broken for me too tdog (and it’s my fav!). I can’t see my own vid either, all I see is a blue square now (though it was working for me before).
Deckard, I only wear DD cups, strange as that might seem. Bra sizing really doesn’t make much sense anyway … the under boob measurement affects what cup size so a very slim girl with the same volume of boobage as me would probably have a H cup or something.
Thx everyone for the compliments : ) I’m just getting the hang of how to do a video so next time I might do a longer one and dasboobs, lol yeah I probably do need an extra pair of hands.
wow muffintop..! I do believe they call your magnificant breasts an instant hardon 😉 lol they look soooo perfect 🙂 keep up the great work 🙂
fixed the last pic
I really don’t understand why you guys like this. Big isn’t everything. To me this just looks sloppy and gross.
Show us yours then, Big Rig.
@Big Rig,
Whip’m out and show us what you have.
Well, I don’t have tits. Do you? You act like you’re defending you’re girlfriend or something.
This woman has been kind enough to get her tits out for us to enjoy. You don’t like them, fine,
but why pass comment? No one cares what you have to say. On here and probably in the real world too.
I agree with Big Rig,
This chick reminds me of miss Intrigue. Yuck! And this is boobie BLOG not boobie “keep your mouth shut if you don’t like it”!
Thanks for the support : )
I know everyone’s got their own tastes and I’m far from perfect!
BigRig and Clark, those comments do hurt but if you’re ok with making girls cry go ahead.
Big Rig and Clark, what do you gain by telling us you don’t like the way she looks? It adds nothing but negativity to a positive post.
If you don’t have anything nice to say, click the next link. If you don’t like the site… kick rocks…
i liked the video and am looking forward to more. thanks muffintop
tinyrig and clark, there’s the door, get out please. You’ve just proven that you guys are terribly frustrated in life and have nothing else better to do than to troll, in the hopes of hurting someone. If you don’t like what you see, show some class and shutup. There are ladies here. If we don’t like Niklas’ post on some ‘celebrity’ who likely never comes on here to read our comments, that’s one thing to say something nasty. Posting your shit in here though, that’s another story. If I had my way, Niklas would prevent postings from your IP on his blog.
Muffin, when people feel inadequate or insecure they do what those two douchebags just did. Of course this isn’t reflective of you, it’s reflective of them and their inner turmoils.
You put yourself out there in a way we guys don’t have the courage to even imagine doing ourselves, and you have my respect and thanks!!
Please don’t let the foolish behavior of douchebags effect you!
Now, back to the video and pictures, speaking of which I’m glad the last one is working again 🙂
@Deckard Well Said. +1
muffintop, I think I can safely say that everyone that is rational and sane here on BoobieBlog loves you!
But you should totally show us your face :(, I’m sure it’s lovely anyways!
GF2, Don’t worry about those guys, focus on all the rest of us that are loving your posts!
Now we just need a girl/girl video of GF2 and GF17!
I’m game!
I would love to get my hands on those big, beautiful boobs!!!
Great pictures, however, can i ask what address you’ve used to send your pics in?
I used the ones in the contact section and they’ve never materialised on here, or even a response… :0(
wedo … I used the email address that’s in the ‘submit photos’ tab.
Girlfriend #17 … you shouldn’t tease : ) we’re probably not in the same city, maybe not even in the same country!
I was thinking we could take an all expense paid trip to Toronto for filming!
Props for posting a video! thanks!
When are we gonna see more from you?
When I lose 10 pounds. Or when I have too much spare time on my hands : )