Boobie Blog GF #14

Close up shot of a pair of great girlfriend boobs! I think we need to see more of these.. a full body shot please!

Busty amateur girlfriend

14 thoughts on “Boobie Blog GF #14”

  1. Yes, yes. Nice tits. Congrats. Are you girls (and guys) not reading the comments? Turn a fucking light on and buy a camera. At least turn a damn light on if your going to keep taking photos with your shitty cell phone cams.

  2. Im tired of all these comments about Photography!

    When a woman is in the mood you can whip out your cel phone cam and be kinky…she’ll dig it.
    If you jump up and say “Stay right there, I got to go set up some lighting and get my NIKON” and you come out with a big ass lense in her face……………..That shit aint gunna happen, virgin!

    PS- How many pics have you morons sent in? Where’s your great pics of great tits?

  3. Yeah cause its real hard to turn on a fucking overhead. And pretty sure if these chicks are willing to send in pics of their tits to be posted on a website, do you honestly think they would mind someone making them look better I doubt. Unless these guys are sending in pics without the girl’s knowledge, in which case they are fucking assholes.

  4. Wow, not the response I was hoping for. I’m the one who sent this in. The picture was taken in a bar full of people, so I’m sorry I didn’t have any control over the lights. I’ll try not to waste your time next time?

  5. Fitzgerald,

    Thanks for the submission. And please excuse the beggars that post here from time to time. They come looking for a free hand out to bitch about.

    Also, kinda kinky she was willing to do that in a bar. Go you. 😀

  6. I think they’re nice.

    Sure, lots of the pics could be better, photography wise. I even posted some links to help it out. I think Jon is a bit stupid in saying that it can’t happen and that only virgins think so. Maybe if you tried explaining to a woman that if she wants her tits shown on line that proper lighting and technique can make all the difference you would have better luck Jon?

    Anyway, thanks for the shot, Fitzgerald! And yeah, it’s sexy that she did it in public.

  7. im the dude who sent in th first pics of my girl. and as this dude can tell u nerds, its a very in th moment thing.
    as i saod before, if u disagree w me, please send me ur girls tits w great lighting.
    ps-all the pics i sent of gf #1 were pretty decent


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