Boobie Battle – Skinny But Busty Babes

The Boobie Blog Battle is back and now Im letting skinny but busty babes battle it out! The contestans were picked out with the following critera:
1. Skinny body with big boobs
2. Natural boobs only
3. Must have done 100% nude modeling

With that said, I know there will be some complaints that I missed such and such model and some of them are slightly thicker but I picked out my favourites and I can always do a part 2 later on with the ones I missed. So, get your voting hat on and lets start the battle!

The first battle of the first round is Gabrielle Pastel aka Lucy vs. Zuzana Drabinova. Both of these ladies are Boobie Blog favourites so its tough right from the start.
More Gabrielle Pastel pics go here
More Zuzana Drabinova pics go here

Round 1: FIGHT!

Gabrielle Pastel
Gabrielle Pastel
VS. Zuzana Drabinova
Zuzana Drabinova


The progress of the battle so far:
Boobie Battle

34 thoughts on “Boobie Battle – Skinny But Busty Babes”

  1. It’s helpful you that you provide links to the contestants…VERY COOL…GLAD THE Boob BATTLE is back hahaha

  2. Pastell has great sized breasts but Zuzana’s look slightly better. PLEASE make sure Diora Baird is eventually put in this battle!

  3. These are two of the all-time greatest…they should both be #1 seeds. How can they be up against each other so early in this tournament????

  4. I’ve voted Zuzana, but my heart (and other less noble parts) were divided: I like Gabrielle’s tits much more, but her face….

  5. diora baird doesnt need to make it into the battle because she is the ultimate winner of ANY competition for ANYTHING – E V E R .

    And she’s also my future wife.

  6. these should have been the finalists, putting them against each other in the first round is crazy.

  7. So unfair – two of the most perfect right at the off. Lucy is the clear winner on the boobs front: they simply don’t come more perfect on such a slim woman. Zuzana is marginally more pretty (though Lucy has a sweet, yet dirty look that is wonderful). Let’s face it, either would on anyone’s list. But, this is BoobieBattle – so Lucy edges it….

  8. Tough choice, between two great models. I just happen to love Zuzana’s nipples and her full sized shape. If each first round battle is this tough, you have a really great taste!

  9. this is so tough..dont know if its the photoshoot or what but Zuzana seems a lot sexier.thanks for starting the boobie battle again buddy

  10. Gab has a nicer (actually just a bit bigger) breast but Zuzana has a complete package – head to toe – and I bet her breast will stay nice much longer than Gabrielle. Hard choice but Zuzana all the way. Hopefully we’ll have Maria Swan (Princessa) in the final! Yummy

  11. Zuzana have the perfect body, face, and smile. Gabrielle is a big tits pair with a woman behind.

  12. First off, I would like to say this is a very unfair position for many of us. While being a regular BoobieBlog reader, I know both of these women’s racks very well. The fact that they are facing off in the first round has me wondering about the ladies to come.

    Alright guys…I realize that many of you are HUGE Lucy fans and I don’t blame you. Personally, I believe Zuzana…is perfection. This is a boobie battle but that doesn’t necessarily mean the BIGGEST boobs…it just means, the best.

    Now for me what distinguishes a perfect set of tits from a very pretty set of tits…are the nipples. No one can top Zuzana’s nipples. I just love how they are small, round, and pointy in the center. Her nipples make the over all boobage picture perfect. Lucy’s nipples are more puffy and in my opinion those nipples take away some of the alure. Granted Lucy’s boobs are bigger than Zuzana’s….they do not match in terms of the overall picture.

    The shape of the boobs also must be considered. Zuzana has a beautifully round cup which her small nipples accent. Lucy’s boob shape doesn’t compare in that it just doesn’t have that perfectly round finish at the bottom of the cup, this is in part due to her nipples.

    Also in terms of sheer looks i.e. the face…Zuzana wins. And this is in no way a bashing of Lucy Pastel, because god damn…I would not hesitate to be all over that woman. This is just my evaluation of this round. Against any one else, Lucy would win. But Zuzana takes the round.

  13. Your kidding……… Zuzana wins this hands down. Top to bottom she’s WAY the hell hotter than this other chick. Get your crap together and vote her up….. I’d spend all night tryin to make this all work ……..

    And thats the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so ……..

  14. They both suck! to large, but I guess Gabrielle gets it based purely on skin tone and nipples. I hope the other boobie battles have better competition!


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