Lidiya Krasnoruzheva is back with another boob prank and this time she brought a busty friend! The girls are standing around outside when a cyclist comes by, performs a trick and manages to pull their dresses off when he peddles away! The guys hanging out on a bench gets a pretty good show in the process!
Ummm… there supposed to be a link or something??
no video or link apparent whatsoever
Theater of the mind – just imagine two chicks getting their tops pulled off… do you see it? Yes? Gooood.
Cool story, bro.
Another FAIL!!!! by the boobieblog
You know you’ve spent too much time surfing vids like this when you know EXACTLY what he’s talking about with the link even working. It IS a great vid guys. . .
Here is the link:
Who’s the doris with the orange hair? Great boobs!
That would be Lidiya Dave…
The music ruins it for me. Meh.