Blue-Eyed and Busty Cutie Holly Riley

Holly Riley is a new Cosmid cutie and she fits their mold of naturally busty girls perfectly! Love those blue eyes, I feel like she could hypnotize me to do her bidding just by looking into them. Let’s just hope her bidding includes my hands rubbing oil all over her big boobs.

Pictures from: Cosmid

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9 thoughts on “Blue-Eyed and Busty Cutie Holly Riley”

  1. Except Snooki I wouldn’t touch with the scope of a high-powered sniper rifle while wearing a hazmat suit… whereas Holly…. 😀

  2. How about a satellite space laser, wearing a nuclear hazmat suit able to get near the core, inside a lead lined tank???

  3. She’s very proportional. I wish more girls liked that body type, in the US, most women are either very thin or very overweight and almost always flat chested.

  4. LMFAO! I think under those conditions I’d still fear not just for my life, but my immortal soul as well, Ac3boy… 😀


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