I still haven’t seen Bitch Slap but after checking out these hot promo photos of America Olivo, Erin Cummings and Julia Voth from the movie I will finally have to pick up the DVD! I like girls who kick ass with cleavage on display.
I still haven’t seen Bitch Slap but after checking out these hot promo photos of America Olivo, Erin Cummings and Julia Voth from the movie I will finally have to pick up the DVD! I like girls who kick ass with cleavage on display.
I started watching it, but after 5 min, I lost interest. It turns out a bad script and absence of sex makes a movie impossible to watch, regardless of cleavage-time.
Yea there’s no sex but it was hot as fuck. The acting and script were TERRIBLE but I couldn’t turn it off because those chicks are so fucking hot, especially the one in the gold dress. There’s really not much titty in this movie considering it’s basically all tits and ass but I’m not sure if you even go 2 minutes without cleavage the whole time. It’s like if porn cut out all the fuck scenes.
You’re kidding.. Really?? this entire movie doesn’t have a single nipple in it??
That’s just disgraceful. Why would they even bother making it?
I sat through it because of Julia Voth. Not overly busty, but she’s a cute brunette.
Anyone who stopped watching after five minutes missed the Usual suspects-hommage ending. I haven’t seen such an amazing, unexpected twist since Bruce Willis turned up dead!
These 3 chicks are hot, the movie is bad but almost impossible to turn off. If you wanna see more of America Olivo (tits) watch Friday The 13th………………….
Fuck that movie. No nudity = FAIL!