BigTittyGothEgg is a Big Titty Elf!

9 thoughts on “BigTittyGothEgg is a Big Titty Elf!”

    • I hear you!

      It’s certainly made harder when one’s own man parts (speaking strictly for myself here!) are not as big and black as in the video 🙂

  1. Why would anyone want to see some chubby, super pale, saggy titted slut? Some girls literally makes men question their sexuality… she´s that ugly

    • @trouble You are most likely gay and and that is the reason you are blaming women such as this for your sexuality. It’s better to come out of the closet now and lead an happy life rather than live an unhappy lie.

    • good gooooooooodd. let the hate flow though you

      as for this CHUD with the tired ass “durr you must be gay if you don’t share my poor & basic tastes duurr” get the fuck outta here with that garbage

      • I agree this bitch is ugly. Not sure how she would make you question your sexuality though. Just move on to looking at better looking bitches. Simple.

  2. Remember, no shaming any women, ever! No matter how fat, sloppy, homely, lazy, rude, or mean a woman is, you MUST accept and respect her for the sexy independent woman she is!

    …and if you’re a man who’s not Hollywood buff and tall and successful, you’re “not trying hard enough.”

    Gimmie a break…

    Don’t quit your day job, GothEgg. (If you even have one.)


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