Big Italian Boobs by Mady Gio!

Mama Mia! Italian babe Mady Gio caught fame by doing TikTok videos and having huge all natural tits! At this point she’s collected 750k followers on Instagram. No nudity but at least she likes to flaunt her very impressive chest.

Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda

Big tit TikTokBig tit TikTokBig tit TikTokBig tit TikTokBig tit TikTokBig tit TikTokBig tit TikTokBig tit TikTokBig tit TikTokBig tit TikTokBig tit TikTokBig tit TikTok

12 thoughts on “Big <em>Italian</em> Boobs by Mady Gio!”

  1. “Got fame doing TikTok” – Uh, no….Thats not real. She got fame posting images of herself with her huge tits! That’s it. Hollywood isn’t calling her, Kimmel isn’t calling her. She’s not doing Rogans podcast….She’s NOT famous and TikTok DID NOT do anything positive for her or for anyone….

    She has an amazing SEX body. So she has had success being a sexual object on the Internet. Get it straight dude….Nobody really cares about anything she does outside of showing her body…

      • She’s Italian you idiot. Romanian is her background. That’s like me saying I’m
        not American I’m italian, because my great grandparents were from Italy.

        • She lived in Romania until she was 20, met her husband and moved to Italy. It is nothing like what you were saying.


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