Big Breasts & Me

Here is an hour long BBC documentary about big boobs.

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Busty Video

8 thoughts on “Big Breasts & Me”

  1. about halfway through it. i have invested too much time in it already to stop now. DO i ever get to see the big 3 without a bra? my tease senses are tingling….

  2. just finished the whole thing……… my senses were right. although it was nice to learn something for a change.

    and it wasnt a complete waste i did get to see some boobs with hairy pits. lol but still some hot boobs. Sure would have loved <3 to have seen anyone of them without a bra or shirt tho.

  3. I thought it was a really good doc that really opened up men’s eyes about what girls with big boobs really have to deal with on a day to day basis. As much as I do love big boobs, I felt bad for the blonde because she wrestled emotionally with the idea of going under the knife.


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