Big Alina Cam Show

So, I already know some of you will complain that Alina is a fatty and shouldnt be posted on Boobie Blog. Well, I disagree. This isnt the thin blog, this is about boobs and thats something Alina got plenty of. She is also willing to show em off on her webcam and we need more girls to do the same, so I shall support that even if she is on the chubby side.

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33 thoughts on “Big Alina Cam Show”

  1. By the way if you knocked out the “chubby” girls the only ones left would be the rare skinny girls with big natties and the silicon bimbos.

    No thanks. I love Lucy Pinder & Keely Hazell but I also know they are the exception and not the rule.

    Chubby girls rock!!

  2. I think she could have positioned that camera a little better, and she is fat, but I’m not about to tell you what to post on your own website.

  3. It’s no so much an issue of her being chubby. It’s the clothes she’s wearing that really aren’t flattering at all. I think she could be very attractive if she wore clothes that complimented her. But then again, this is her web cam…

  4. That was horrible please post a warning label prior to posting another heavy fat chick. She should have covered up that stomach!!!!!!!!!!1

  5. She is SOO fat and unattractive, this is gross. I know you said this website is about boobs, but you know who else has boobs??

    MY DAD.

    Doesn’t mean you should show HIM naked.

  6. Nice to see a 100% REAL, ALL NATURAL woman. Isn’t she a lot closer to the type of woman most of us see every day ? And Beautiful to boot ? Two thumbs up !

  7. I seen this on BUSTYPOSERS.DE a little while ago, and I thought it was great. I love girls like this, my wife is a bit on the heavy side (shes gotten a little bigger since we married) yet shes stunning still.

    The deal is this, Id rather much enjoy REAL BREASTS, over scars, and miles between them… so what there is more CUSHION for the PUSHIN…

    The only thing I can say against it is, her face looks not as good. But whatever, shes naked, and those breasts are massive… thats the best PART 🙂

  8. Oh yeah!
    I’d rather this than some skinny bimbo with silicone implants that have so much space between them they wont even touch your face if you put your face between them.

    One more thing… there’s something crazy sexy about jiggling boobs and implants dont jiggle. That’s a turn-off!

    This girl’s sexy.

  9. She hasn’t seen her feet since she was 10.

    The turnoff for me though, was at the 3:14 mark, when you can clearly see half a ham and cheese sandwich fall from her cleavage to the floor.

  10. for all who complained that this chick is fat and is ugly, yousuck, would you really rather see fake brick-like hard tits? i love the example robin williams gave in his stand up show, fake tits are like nazis! hell yes! this is damn hot! so what if she’s got some fat on her….most of you guys aren’t catches either! you shouldbe ashamed!

    but all in all this post cracked me up!:

    Yoav Says:
    July 21st, 2008 at 11:37 pm
    She is SOO fat and unattractive, this is gross. I know you said this website is about boobs, but you know who else has boobs??

    MY DAD.

    Doesn’t mean you should show HIM naked.

  11. to show support of the fine operator of this site.

    if it jiggles, i’ll allow it
    if it will make my cock disappear due to having such large breasts wrapping around it, i’ll allow it

    any person who consider this woman a ‘fatty’ is uncomfortable with themselves

    women like this, know how to suck 12 golf balls thru a garden hose… and that my friends is hot.

  12. This girl is fantastic!

    Look at your typical ABNORMALLY big breasted porn star, they are either fake, or a little chubby themselves.

    This woman has a beautiful body, and fantastic breasts.

    If these close minded fatty haters have a problem, just create a “Big Girls” section for those of us who don’t mind a few pounds if it means massive NATURAL fun bags.

    BTW, does this woman have a website or blog?

  13. Wait a minute, I didnt say I wouldnt “DO HER”… I would but Id have to cover her face somehow… someway… but Id still give that shit a run 😀

  14. It’s funny that all these guiys complain, if they don’t like looking at her simply don’t look. I on one hand like pretty much everything that is posted to some degree because the site sticks to what it’s all about, BOOBS!!

  15. I wouldn’t last 5 minutes with her. When I went through my chubby girl phase she would have been a great addition. Some of those big girls are like lava.


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