Beware of the Boob Stare

We all do it! If you see a pair of juicy boobs you have to check them out! If you’re unlucky, someone will take a photo at exactly the right (or wrong) moment and your boob stare will be saved forever!

If you’re REALLY unlucky your boob stare will also be posted on a site like Boobie Blog where thousands of people will see it..

A treasure map to boobs: FLING

Boob stareBoob stareBoob stareBoob stareBoob stareBoob stareBoob stareBoob stareBoob stareBoob stareBoob stareBoob stare

9 thoughts on “Beware of the Boob Stare”

  1. All these chicks have great tits, why wouldn’t you stare. My favorite tits are pic 1 and 10. And come on, who can blame the guy in pic 10, they’re asking for it.


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