8 comments on “Behind the Scenes with Tessa Fowler in a Silver Bikini!”

  1. IvanLeTerrible says:

    Any news on her tittyfuck vid yet???

    1. Speakenglishdick says:

      Any news on you getting banned from commenting?

  2. IvanLeTerrible says:

    Those bitches are so hot with their whorish attitude! Would love to find some of those on my local grossery store!

  3. IvanLeTerrible says:

    Oops! Commented on the wrong post!

  4. Electabucks says:

    Ivan may be a troll but he’s got a point. Where’s the video where we get to see those tits get fucked? Also what about the rumored hardcore?

  5. vogadishu says:

    An all-time rack, which goes without saying. But her ass is extremely underrated! Would love to see more of both.

  6. bubbajoe says:

    I hear that cult, the BIG perk is that an hour a day is set aside for motorboating. Therfore the number of cult members MUST be kept to a minimum as that hour is divided amongst them.

  7. BeerMan says:

    Epic body!

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