Behind the Scenes with Micaela Schaefer and Friends at a Calendar Shoot!

Cool behind the scenes shots of Micaela Schaefer and her friends doing a sexy shoot for the 2017 Erotic Calendar. Pretty cool concept of basically going around the world. Don’t think the blackface would fly in the US though…

A treasure map to boobs: FLING

2017 Erotic Calendar2017 Erotic Calendar2017 Erotic Calendar2017 Erotic Calendar2017 Erotic Calendar2017 Erotic Calendar2017 Erotic Calendar2017 Erotic Calendar2017 Erotic Calendar2017 Erotic Calendar2017 Erotic Calendar2017 Erotic Calendar

Some of the finished shots:
2017 Erotic Calendar2017 Erotic Calendar2017 Erotic Calendar2017 Erotic Calendar2017 Erotic Calendar

5 thoughts on “Behind the Scenes with Micaela Schaefer and Friends at a Calendar Shoot!”

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