Behind the Scenes with Kim Kardashian

Behind the scene pics of Kim Kardashian getting ready for her 2007 Playboy photo shoot! I can’t believe that famous spread is 5 years old now, time flies and who knew Kim Kardashian would still be somewhat relevant.

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Kim Kardashian Playboy shootKim Kardashian Playboy shootKim Kardashian Playboy shoot

10 comments on “Behind the Scenes with Kim Kardashian”

  1. Lance burton says:

    She has zero talent, there are far hotter women in playboy, and her family is a drag on society. Why do folks keep propagating their scam?

  2. D says:

    I think at least part of the population tolerates her in hopes that she’ll pop out another fuck tape, being spit roasted by a couple defensive linemen.

  3. anonymous says:

    I just like her body. Who cares about the rest?

  4. Stevie says:

    I agree with anonymus. She has no talent, however a romp in bed with her would be amazing.

  5. Joe says:

    The word “famous” has no business being anywhere near this fugly slut

  6. Euff says:

    they accept transvestites in playboy now?

  7. Alfie says:

    I hate her but she definitely got hotter lately.

  8. morrdigan says:

    She may be hotter lately but who cares. She is way too popular righ now to get naked again which makes her pretty much worthless. No talent, spoiled as shit, nothing interesting to say. So if she is not nekkid what is the point? I don’t care if she is really hot with her clothes on because there so many hotter women who their clothes off already!

  9. YotaruVegeta says:

    I wish she’d wear that all the time. I don’t watch cable TV, so she’s not annoying me like she does all of you.

  10. ed says:

    I have no idea who this zero is……………………LOL

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