Behind the Scenes with Haley Cummings

Neat behind the scenes photos of porn star Haley Cummings posing topless for Digital Desire. She looks nice and makes me wonder what happened with her? She hasn’t shot any porn in a while I think.

Picture from: Digital Desire

Haley Cummings behind the scenesHaley Cummings behind the scenesHaley Cummings behind the scenesHaley Cummings behind the scenesHaley Cummings behind the scenesHaley Cummings behind the scenesHaley Cummings behind the scenes

5 thoughts on “Behind the Scenes with Haley Cummings”

  1. she was pregnant, as i recall, and must have taken some time off to take care of the toddler. do porn actresses get a paid mat leave? heh heh


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