Check out these pics of a bunch of topless Australian girls getting their boobs painted at some festival or something. As if the kangaroo’s weren’t enough, I now have a 2nd reason to visit Australia.
If I was a boob painter you know what my specialty would be? hand prints. I’d dip my hands into a bucket of paint and firmly press them against the boobs… for about 10 minutes or so…
Pictures from: Wild Oz
That’s not in Australia, that’s Manchester-freakin’-TENNESSEE!!!
I’d recognize Bonnaroo armbands anywhere, especially attached to a jiggly set all painted up…
plus no self respecting Australian would drink bud light
I second that… that aint no Aussie license plate and i assure you we don’t drink no bud light neither. Them some nice big boobies though… maybe i should head over to Tennessee for a gander.
Aussie girls drinking bud light?? I dont think so..
lol, this is funny.. I got the pics from Wild Oz so I just assumed they were Austalian, thats what I get for being so trusting I suppose..
Those pix are definitely from this years’ Bonnaroo (first year for that sort of armband). Walking to the shows, we’d pass these guys’ camp with a sign proclaiming “free boob painting”–I only saw them at it once, but hell, just once would make all worthwhile.
There are WAY more than the usual number of shirtless ladies at Bonnaroo, it’s wonderful. A few naked fellers too, but I guess that’s the price one pays–I chose to focus on the positive 😉
Bud light? P L E A S E …. There is no way any of these girls are Aussie or they would be drinking VB.
Ok, ok, I think Niklas has got the point. That being said, it serves as a compliment that his sites kick ass!!!! Being viewed from all the way down under……get it? Down Under? Poor joke perhaps, but Niklas, take a bow my friend! And all those also involved with this site!