Aurelia Lu in a Wet T-Shirt!

New model Aurelia Lu is teasing by wearing a wet t-shirt by the pool! Not that we get teased for long, because she quickly strips down and we get a full view of her huge all natural tits!

Definitely one of the bustiest models Met-Art has posted lately, and all Aurelia needs is a different hair style, and she would get all my thumbs up her ass! Currently she get one thumbs up and one thumb sideways.

Pictures from: Met-Art

Hot And Wet Busty ChickHot And Wet Busty ChickHot And Wet Busty ChickHot And Wet Busty ChickHot And Wet Busty ChickHot And Wet Busty ChickHot And Wet Busty ChickHot And Wet Busty ChickHot And Wet Busty ChickHot And Wet Busty ChickHot And Wet Busty ChickHot And Wet Busty Chick

Watch the VIDEO at Met-Art – the best site for erotic photography and videos!

4 thoughts on “Aurelia Lu in a Wet T-Shirt!”

  1. The hair style is dorky, but that said, I do feel the urgent need to spend some quality time with these pics, especially the second-to-last one.

  2. I MIGHT notice the haircut. When I come up for air….. in about a month.
    LOVE it when a busty woman STRETCHES taking off that wet t-shirt. Nothing like it. Sends the blood pressure into outer space, and provides an incredible landing spot, for my FACE !!!!!


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