Aubrey O’Day In Playboy

Former Danity Kane member Aubrey O’d Day has dropped her clothes for Playboy and its a pretty nice spread if you ask me. Im not really aware of Danity Kane so I wasen’t all that excited over these pics but I can appreciate a hot girl when I see one. Boo!! at no vagina shots tho!

Are the pictures broken? please send me an e-mail
See the entire spread at: Playboy’s Cyber Club
or get a Playboy subscription
Aubrey O Day nude in PlayboyAubrey O Day nude in PlayboyAubrey O Day nude in PlayboyAubrey O Day nude in PlayboyAubrey O Day nude in PlayboyAubrey O Day nude in PlayboyAubrey O Day nude in PlayboyAubrey O Day nude in PlayboyAubrey O Day nude in PlayboyAubrey O Day nude in Playboy

34 thoughts on “Aubrey O’Day In Playboy”

  1. Honestly these look like really good CGI pictures… the fact this used to be a real human being is more than a little unsettling. I mean what the fuck is the point of even paying for hot women to pose if you’re going to Photoshop them this much?

    Give me $20 and you can take a few shots of my pale, ginger ass and I’m sure I’d come out looking just like this girl once the photoshopers were done with me.

  2. I hate Aaron.firstly he cant appreciate any female however gorgeous she is.worst he cant stand others appreciating them too. Everyone here comes to admire boobs except for this moron! wonder how many other blogs he visits everyday to crap his disgusting and senseless comments

  3. Haha Bollocksblog! Although i do think Aaron is rather entertaining, not in a BollocksBlog way tho!

  4. Hey Edward, Americans don’t say bollocks. If you’re gonna create a fictional web character that has a Floridian ex and lives in a 50% Mexican community, at least be consistent.

  5. Davo doesn’t have a man crush on me we just locked eyes and game recognized game. I was going to go for the bollocks attack but I was beaten to it. Pro as always Davo, keep the dream alive man.

  6. i do know what i am commenting you dickhead Aaron! all you do is complain complain And complain some more. I mean for god sake don’t find faults with every post on this blog! and i do agree with Edward..this Davo guy seriously has a huge man crush on Aaron. and it all fits in the picture as you both hate beautiful women and boobs anyway! on behalf of all sane readers of boobieblog here’s a suggestion Aaron and Davo..HOOK UP GUYS! then perhaps niklas will start a gay blog and you two can send your pictures and we shall all learn how to click sexy(?) photos the right way and none of us will complain ever again!

  7. Speaking of complaining. Geeze. And here I was thinking this was a boobie blog. Not an accusation blog.

    There are a good number of us out there who prefer a woman to be a woman and not a blow up doll. Nothing gay about admiring Natural curves, even if a bit chunky. In fact I always wonder about those who prefer something sculpted and painted at a factory. Don’t forget you can always have barbie dolls and other toys if that’s your thing. You can even own them, and touch them, and not berate others for personal opinion.

    These posts are here for us to be able to comment on what we like and don’t like. If we were all to just post rude comments about how we want to splatter our man juices on such and such a body part, then likely none of us would read this because frankly I could care less about other mens juices and junk. We post here to give our yay or nay and see if others agree with us.

    You like the boobs. Good for you. A number of us would rather natural boobs. Saggy or firm. Natural just always looks better.

  8. Me and Aaron are clearly the straightest dudes on here. Having a discriminating eye doesn’t mesn you’re gay, it means you’re not ugly and desperate. The bromantic overtones in my comments are all about paying respect to a true connoisseur.

  9. “Me and Aaron are clearly the straightest dudes on here.”

    That sentence alone makes you Douche of the Week.

  10. Why get upset over what Aaron says everyone has there opinion, besides hes half the reason why I even look at the comments.

  11. Wedge, I just call it how it is. Although there’s nothing as painful as getting an insult that sounds like it came from a 14 yo Kelly Osbourne…… about venom.


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