16 thoughts on “Ashley Tervort Finally Reveals Her Nipple!”

      • True, I just meant her tits are most likely fake. She’s teased and marketed herself as this new vixen and goddess bit it’s all on fake tits

        • “Most likely”? I’d be pretty comfortable with “certainly”. Some guys enjoy fondling plastic, I’ll stick with natural…

          • They are real because you can tell when she pushes in on the side. Those aren’t solid like fake boobs are.

        • I knew what you meant, I just couldn’t care less if she has implants or not… IMO her tits are fantastic, real or not.

          Not like any of us are ever going to get to touch them to have a reason to complain.

    • Yes, they are fake. First hint is that they’re not retreating to her armpits as she lies on her back. Also, I’m pretty sure she has admitted it at somepoint.

      • That’s because she is young. Watch her video where she pushes in on the side and you will see they are soft. Fake boobs don’t do that.

  1. There totally natural, fake tits barley move, they normally create a gap in middle you can drive a bus through, plus your see “creasing” on side of breast as skin shows stress from the weight and pull on skin from implant, there real

  2. Both @Joe and @ Al_Anon are correct about Ashley having breast implants.
    Ashley Tervort:(AshAnn99, ActuallyAshley – Reditt October 2020) “I’m open that my boobs aren’t completely natural”.

    • Low key most likely a fat transfer though, bc they are still are technically natural but “not completely natural” that wording doesn’t really make sense for implants.

      • nah the quote is real, from her real Reddit account. that one she hasn’t deleted, you can still look it up

  3. Lots of comments, many negative.
    Have you all noticed that she is a very beautiful young woman!!!
    Regardless of what she may or may not have done to contribute to that beauty.


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